KOBE DAY tour FROM OSAKA: A diy itinerary

“Why do you keep going back to Osaka?”

It’s a question we always get from our pals and followers, but it’s also one that is very easy to answer. Osaka isn’t just a destination on its own, it is also a gateway to other cities and prefectures!

Osaka is the largest city in the Kansai Region. It is also located at the very heart of it, making it an optimal jump off base for travelers who wish to see many other spots on this side of Japan. most importantly, with the exception of Tokyo, it is also the most well-connected city, boasting an intricate network of railways and bus routes that stem to even some of the most remote corners of the region.

One of the destinations you can easily check out from Osaka is Kobe. The capital of Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe is the sixth largest city in Japan and has always been one of the most important port cities in the country. In this post, we’ll explore Kobe and discover the things that you can enjoy in a day with information on how to get there if you’re staying in Osaka.

Cosa è trattato in questa guida?

The Passes You need for this Osaka-Kobe TripHanshin tourist Pass
Rokkosan tourist Pass

How to get from Osaka to Kobe
Places to check out in KobeSake factories and Museums
Rokko Snow Park (Mt. Rokko)
Kobe Harborland and Meriken Park
Hanshin Umeda main department store Snack Park
HEP five Ferris Wheel

Sample Kobe itinerary with Breakdown of Expenses
Where to stay in OsakaFirst Cabin Hanshin Nishiumeda
Hotel Hanshin Osaka

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The Passes You need for this Osaka-Kobe Trip

Transportation companies in Kansai are very competitive, especially in enticing foreign tourists to use their service. You’ll be surprised how many transportation passes are available out there! just looking at the number of train passes alone can induce choice paralysis.

But don’t worry, we already identified the passes you will need for this trip: Hanshin tourist Pass and Rokkosan tourist Pass.

Hanshin tourist Pass

The Hanshin tourist Pass will give you unlimited access to the Hanshin main Line, which connects Osaka and Kobe, and all other Hanshin and Kobe Kosoku lines. The card is valid for one day. It is operated by Hanshin electric railway Co., Ltd., commonly referred to as simply Hanshin.

The pass normally costs ¥700. but is an ongoing promo and you can avail of it for only ¥500. Imagine: unlimited access for only ¥500!

Using it is very simple too. All you need to do is insert the card into the designated slot. No need to fall in line over and over again. This means that you get to save both time and money. Don’t forget to pick it up on the other side!

The pass is available at these locations:

Kansai tourist information center at the Arrival Hall of Kansai Airport

Hankyu tourist center – Osaka Umeda

BIC camera Namba and Abeno Q’s Mall

Hotel Hanshin Osaka

Hotel new Hankyu Osaka

Hanshin Koku travel Salon

You can also book in advance online via Klook!


Rokkosan tourist Pass

One of the major attractions in this itinerary is Mt. Rokko. It takes multiple transfers to get there so having the Rokkosan tourist Pass can give you more savings and convenience. This pass isn’t unlimited but it covers the entire journey from select train stations in Kobe to Mt. Rokko Mountaintop tourism area and back.

With this pass, you can use the following:

Kobe City Bus 16 and 106

Rokko cable Car

Rokko Sanjo Bus (unlimited rides)

The pass has five tickets attached to it. Each time you’re disembarking, you must tear the ticket off and hand it to the driver.

The pass costs ¥1000. You can also book online via Klook!


How to get from Osaka to Kobe

If you’re staying in Umeda area, start your trip at the Hanshin-Umeda station (HS 01), the start point and terminus of Hanshin main Line. This is an underground station next to Hanshin department Store.

There is an information center at the station, so if you have questions, you can just ask away. There are also a lot of free brochures available to aid you with your navigation or give you recommendation.

From here, your first stop is Uozaki station (HS 23) in Kobe.

Travel time: 22 minutes if you take limited express train or 52 minutes if you take the local train
Fare: free with pass. ¥280 without the pass.

Places to check out in Kobe

Sake factories and Museums

Nearest Station: Uozaki (HS 23, Hanshin main Line)

Welcome to Kobe’s Nada District, one of the largest producers of sake in Japan!

Sake is typically called Japanese rice wine. but in Japan, the term used is nihonshu because sake in the vernacular refers to any type of alcoholic drink. sake is a curious drink. It’s called rice wine but it looks like a distilled drink and the process of creating it is closer to beer brewing. However, the complex flavor profiles, alcohol content, and how people usually appreciate it are very wine-like.

Kobe’s Nada district is home to severaB birrerie per sake perché ha tutti gli elementi necessari per creare un gusto di alta qualità: molta fornitura di riso, acqua dolce pulita e le giuste condizioni meteorologiche. Siamo stati in grado di dare un’occhiata a due birrifici e musei nella zona: Kikumasamune Sake Museum e Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum.

Entrambi possono essere visitati gratuitamente. Entrambi mostrano il viaggio del riso dal raccolto alla fermentazione attraverso vari display. Puoi usare il tuo telefono per acquisire un codice QR e utilizzarlo come guida come esplori. Le guide sono disponibili anche in più lingue. Hakutsuru ha anche un’opzione Tagalog! Entrambi ti permetteranno anche di assaggiare diversi tipi di sake dopo il tour.

Kikumasamune Sake Museum
Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum
Puoi scegliere solo un birrificio per sake per questo itinerario. Entrambi sono molto buoni, presentando l’intero processo in un modo facile da capire.

Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum
Ore aperte: dalle 9:30 alle 16:00
Commissione d’ingresso: gratuito

Kikumasamune Sake Museum
Ore aperte: dalle 9:30 alle 16:00
Commissione d’ingresso: gratuito

Rokko Snow Park (Mt. Rokko)

Da entrambi i Museo del Sake, rintraccia i tuoi passi alla stazione di Uozaki e riprendi la linea principale di Hanshin alla stazione di Hanshin Mikage (HS25) usando il tuo passaggio turistico Hanshin.

Tempo di viaggio: 2 minuti
Fare: ¥ 140 senza il passaggio, gratuito con Hanshin Tourist Pass

Ecco come arrivare a Rokko Snow Park da questo punto:

Alla stazione di Hanshin Mikage, prendi l’autobus di Kobe City 16 che ti porterà alla stazione di shita cavo Rokko. Dovrai usare lo stub verde del tuo passaggio e darlo al conducente prima di scendere. Tempo di viaggio: 15-30 minuti. Fare: ¥ 210 senza il passaggio, libero con il passaggio.

Alla stazione di shita del cavo Rokko, prendi l’automobile via cavo Rokko che ti porterà alla stazione di Rokko Cable Sanjo. Dovrai mostrare il biglietto blu al personale prima dell’imbarco. FARE: ¥ 590 senza il passaggio, libero con il passaggio. Tempo di viaggio: 10 minuti.

Prendi l’autobus Rokko Sanjo per l’area turistica di Rokko. Non staccare ancora lo stub rosso. Lo farai dopo aver effettuato il viaggio di ritorno. Tempo di viaggio: 9-13 minuti. Fare: ¥ 260 senza il passaggio, libero con il passaggio.

Accendi a Rokko Snow Park. Questo è tutto!

Rokko Snow Park è solo una delle tante attrazioni in cima al Monte Rokko! Altri includono Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden, Rokko International Musical Box, Museum, Rokko-Arima Ropeway, Rokko-Shidare Observatory e Tenran Observatory.

Abbiamo scelto Rokko Snow Park perché stavamo viaggiando in inverno e Vins non ha mai provato a sciare prima. È un posto fantastico per imparare a sciare perché non è troppo grande. È anche il parco di neve più vicino a Osaka.

Questa non è la prima volta a sci. Anche se non sono ancora molto bravo (!!!), conosco già le basi e posso sciare con sicurezza senza problemi. Vins è un’altra storia, però. È alto e un principiante completo, quindi gli ci è voluto un po ‘di tempo per capirlo.

Ecco le tariffe:

Commissione di ingresso: ¥ 2100 adulto, ¥ 1050 bambino

Commissione di sollevamento: ¥ 150 per corsa

Noleggio per sci e neve: ¥ 4650 adulti, ¥ 3600 bambini (include sci, pali, stivali, guanti, indumenti superiore e inferiore)

Slitta: ¥ 500

Noleggio delle scarpe da neve (solo scarpe): ¥ 500

Se hai fame prima o dopo la tua attività di neve, vai dal ristorante Alpen Rose, che serve pasti a partire da ¥ 750.

Una volta che pensi di averne avuto abbastanza, traccia i tuoi passi alla stazione di Hanshin Mikage e prendi la linea principale di Hanshin Direct Express alla stazione di Motomachi.

Tempo di viaggio: 8-13 minuti.
Fare: ¥ 190 senza il passaggio, gratuito con Hanshin Tourist Pass

Dalla stazione di Motomachi, viaggia a piedi a Kobe Harbourland.

Kobe Harborland e Meriken Park

Stazione Hanshin più vicina: Motomachi (HS33)

Kobe Harborland è una destinazione per lo shopping e l’intrattenimento balneare, pettinata da diversi grandi magazzini tra cui Umie.

Umie è forse la più nota dei dipartimenti del distretto. Housing dozzine di negozi e ristoranti, è diviso in tre sezioni: North Mall, South Mall e Mosaic. Dei tre, Mosaic è il più panoramico perché consente una vista meravigliosa del Meriken Park. Se puoi, aspetta fino alla sera e guarda il porto illuminarsi! Le sue strutture più iconiche come il Kobe Maritime Museum e la Kobe Port Tower sembrano molto meglio di notte.

Se vuoi, puoi anche arrivare a Meriken Park. Altrimenti, rintraccia i tuoi passi alla stazione di Motomachi e fai strada da Hanshin Main Line a Osaka:

Tempo di viaggio: 36 minuti
FARE: ¥ 320 senza il passaggio, libero con il passaggio

Hanshin Umeda Main Depianto Store Snack Park

Stazione più vicina: Umeda (HS01)

ORA DI CENA! Dato che sei già alla stazione di Hanshin Umeda, che si trova proprio accanto a Hanshin Umeda Main Department, potresti voler dare un’occhiata al loro Snack Park appena riaperto.

Hanshin Snack Park è stato una food court per la gente del posto. È composto da oltre una dozzina di chioschi alimentari che servono una vasta gamma di delizie giapponesi tra cui Takoyaki, Sushi e Ramen. Fondata nel 1957, è stato recentemente rinnovato per migliorare l’esperienza culinaria complessiva.

Moltiof the original favorites are still here. among the most popular is ikayaki, a crepe-like snack that is filled with bits of squid (¥152). You can also choose to have leeks and soy sauce added to it (¥162). We’ve tried both and they were delicious, especially given how low-cost they are. I was expecting them to taste like takoyaki, but it was far from it. It’s like a slightly denser pancake but more savory than sweet. and the squid filling add a nice texture, something that made me keep on eating.

In one corner stands a sushi bar, which takes pride in their fresh seafood toppings including tuna, salmon, salmon roe, scallops, crab, and mackerel. the most expensive item on their menu is o-toro, choicest raw fatty tuna belly, and uni, sea urchin (¥432 a piece). Others range from ¥162 to ¥648 for 2 pieces.

But the best thing we tried that night was the ramen served by the stall named Kadoya Shokudo. They serve traditional ramen, with shoyu broth and Chinese noodles. Although my palate favors rich, bold flavors, I was pleasantly surprised by its light broth, which had the perfect mix of saltiness and umami. The noodles were more on the thin, soft side.

If you still have more time, walk a little bit and you’ll find…

HEP five Ferris Wheel

Stazione più vicina: Umeda (HS01)
Admission Fee: ¥600
Hours open: 11:00am to 10:45pm

Just a few minutes from Hanshin department store is HEP FIVE, another mall bursting with shops that target mostly the younger market. but it’s best known for its 106-meter bright red Ferris Wheel that allow a wonderful view of Umeda and the greater Osaka area especially at night! You can also see Osaka Harbor from here.

Sample Kobe itinerary with Breakdown of Expenses

Here’s a brief summary of the above itinerary. I’m not indicating the exact time to give you some wiggle room in case you want to stay longer at a stop.

I also included a budget breakdown. note that this assumes you have a Hanshin tourist Pass and a Rokkosan tourist Pass!

Transit: Take Hanshin main Line from Hanshin Umeda station to Uozaki Station.

Explore: sake Brewery museum (choice between Kikumasamune sake museum and Hakutsuru sake Brewery Museum). entrance Fee: FREE

Transit: Take Hanshin main Line from Uozaki station to Hanshin Mikage Station. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Kobe City Bus 16 from Hanshin Mikage station to Rokko cable Shita Station. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Rokko cable automobile to Rokko cable Sanjo Station. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Rokko Sanjo Bus to Rokko Snow Park. LIBERO.

Enjoy: Rokko Snow Park. entrance Fee: ¥2100

Lunch: restaurant Alpen Rose. Budget: ¥1200

Enjoy: Snow Activities

Transit: Take Rokko Sanjo Bus to Rokko cable Sanjo Station. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Rokko cable automobile to Rokko cable Shita Station. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Kobe City Bus 16 to Hanshin Mikage Station. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Hanshin main Line to Motomachi Station. LIBERO.

Explore: Kobe Harborland. LIBERO.

Transit: Take Hanshin main Line to Hanshin Umeda Station. LIBERO.

Dinner: Hanshin department store Snack Park. Budget: ¥1500.

Enjoy: HEP five Ferris Wheel. Admission Fee: ¥600.

If you’re skiing at Rokko Snow Park for a few hours, the above itinerary will cost you around ¥14,000 (PH6715, USD128, SGD173) per person, excluding airfare, accommodations, visa fees, travel taxes, and shopping budget. note that the bulk of this budget goes to ski rental.

If you’re visiting Rokko Snow Park just for sightseeing or you just want to play with the sled, the above itinerary will set you back around ¥8000 (PHP3835, USD73, SGD99) per person, excluding airfare, accommodations, visa fees, travel taxes, and shopping budget.

Notice that you only spent ¥1500 (¥1700 outside promo period) on transportation. That’s ¥1000 on Rokkosan tourist Pass and ¥500 (¥700 outside promo period) on Hanshin tourist Pass.

If you don’t have these two passes, you will be spending a total of ¥3050 on transportation. but if you have the passes, you’ll be rack

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